Legal Stuff

And now for the boring but necessary bit....


The content of this site is protected by copyright laws of the UK, USA, and other countries. Words, opinions, images, and texts created by me here are solely my own unless otherwise stated, and are not to be copied or reproduced or used in whole or part without permission. Views and opinions are not to be taken as representative of any companies, organisations, bodies and groups I support, work for, am a member of, or am or have been associated or affiliated with.

Damon Lord takes no responsibility for the content of other individuals or organisations, such as through external feeds, or external websites.

Photos and images

Some photos of me performing my work are used by kind permission of the photographer. Most photos, if not taken by me, have been taken by a close relative or friend of mine. Others are attributed accordingly.

Photographers who have permitted me to use photos of me include: Geoff Robinson, Kevin Brooke, Angie Lord, T.M.M. Lord, and Matt Fearnley.

All other photos are my own, or sourced from copyright-free public domain sources or from sites that permit re-use, such as Pixabay, etc.

Affiliate links

Although I'm not from the USA, I thought it best to comply with the US FTC (Federal Trade Commision) rules, rules where I'm supposed to declare that links to and other sites on this website may be affiliate links, which means that I earn commission if you decide to buy from links provided. This will be at no additional cost to you and won't affect the price you pay. I'm only providing links here for products I have either used, appear in, or am in a position to recommend. Do not purchase any products mentioned on this site unless you feel they will be of benefit to you.


Under EU law, I'm supposed to disclose whether cookies are used by the site. It's hosted at Google Sites, so indubitably it will employ cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you therefore agree to the continued use of cookies. If you don't like using cookies, then it's not just my site you'll have an issue with. Go to your favourite search engine and find out how to turn cookies off in your preferred web browser.


The best way to contact Damon Lord is by email. The email address below is written thus to avoid getting the email address picked up by a spambot, therefore please make the necessary substitutions from the following:

damon (at) damonlord dot com